Event Info February 1, 2025 10:00 AM (PST)
Tustin Hills Racquet Club 11782 Simon Ranch Rd Santa Ana, CA 92602 Get Directions
Join us for a fun day of Pickleball, Food and Fundraising!
This exciting new event taps into the nation’s hottest sports trend - Pickleball! This fundraiser held at the Tustin Hills Racquet Club brings our TUSD community and supporters together for a fun day of competition to support the mission of TPSF - to mobilize the community and its resources to further excellence in Tustin Unified Schools. What better way to raise money to support TUSD students than to spend a day playing pickleball? All proceeds go directly to programs and grants that enrich education in our TUSD Public schools.
We welcome students, staff, and community members to play in or spectate our 2025 Pickleball Classic event. Play with your child, co-worker, or friend! If you don't play, come cheer on your teachers, friends or children!
Our tournament consists of three waves. The morning wave (10AM-12:30PM) is a family-friendly event where players 14 years old and up are welcome to participate. The afternoon waves are ADULTS ONLY.
Our tournament format is a set team round-robin, so grab a partner! 6 Games guaranteed. Medals will be provided for each division's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Lunch will be provided between 11:30-2:30PM. DUPR ratings are used as a guide. All levels welcomed!
We will have prizes, raffle baskets, opportunities to fund a grant, a delicious lunch, vendor booths, and lots of PICKLEBALL. Come early or leave late, lunch and drinks are provided.
Player tickets include lunch, drink, & one raffle ticket entry
Spectator tickets
$30 online - includes lunch, drink, and one raffle ticket
$10 at the door (NO LUNCH)
No Refunds. If you need to change your partner, email pickleball@tpsf.net
Come support our incredible event by being Sponsor! We have various levels of sponsorship.